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I’m going to Hell apparently, so I’ve been told. Told directly, not by someone shouting or screaming at me, but by someone who actually doesn’t want me to go there. So I’m headed there, not because I’m a bad person, but because I don’t believe. I don’t believe that Jesus is the son of God, and also part of God, along with the Holy-spirit, who is also part of God, as of course is the Father. Three of them, all distinct and at the same time all one God. You can see how difficult it’s going to be for me qualify for Heaven.

And I know I sound like I’m taking the piss, but I really don’t know how to start believing, which I sort of want to do if it means I have the opportunity to avoid being thrown into an eternal fire. I do try, and I think I sort of did believe a bit until I bothered to look a little closer at the whole religion thing. Then I found that I really couldn’t, which is sort of the opposite of what’s supposed to happen isn’t it?

God created the universe and the planet Earth, I can sort of handle that, maybe even consider attempting to believe it if it wasn’t for the following: He created human-beings, and now sits up there reading our thoughts, deciding upon whether we go to Heaven on Hell based on whether the brains He is wholly responsible for, decide that He and Jesus exist or not. This is totally fucking unfair!!!

The people who’s brain chemicals are capable of flying about and deciding that in fact, yes, it is indeed possible that Jesus was(or is?) the Messiah, have an incredible advantage over the unlucky ones like me, who, however I think about it, decide that it’s probably a load of old cock.

So I find myself in the position of not believing in God, being pissed off with God I don’t believe in, and facing the prospect of spending eternity burning in Hell. Fucking Wednesdays!


Anonymous said…
We know who told you this and I have to ask the question "Who is he trying to convince?". I too, have considered religion and Christianity. You must belive in God, the son, the holy spirit! Unfortunately I have a brain that asked a question - "Why?". Then things get interesting. I don't claim to have the answers but I can pick so many holes in this answer that I have to walk away. I can not accept blind faith. If God is so great then why is he not hear, right now, fixing global warning and Global terrorism? Oh dear, thats done it, I'm burning too now. I don't want to die, but I am mortal and my time will come. What happens then is completely beyond my control, period. Thats my belief, if yours is different then I'm pleased for you. As I said, I don't have the answers so I can't argue your views are wrong. This character is trying to save your sole, or is he trying to convince himeself he has saved his? Is he trying to find reassurance? Whatever it is we must remember that Hell is a religious invention. If you don't believe in religion you don't believe in Hell. Back on your heads lads!!
Live, live and unleashed.

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