This event cannot be subjectively commented upon; the very parameters that mediate my entire life are at the moment spinning wheels in Michael Ball’s fucked-up fruit machine.
There’s no categorizing possible in terms of good or bad, right or wrong; all I can do is try my best to avoid the lava – the dark red, bleeding lava.
I would be more likely to fathom the origin and meaning of existence than even speculate on what drew Michael Ball to attempt to perform this song. The actual execution breaks so many rules of science that it in studying it, the scientific community may come to understand the constitution of Dark Matter.
God has always shirked responsibilities for such cataclysms by claiming that he endowed his creations with free-will - but this time I’m not sure that excuse cuts it. The almighty must, by his own conviction that he is perfect, therefore have been aware of the possibility that a ‘Michael Ball’ was a conceivable result of some specific intercourse event on his big blue globe. When Labi Siffre released this song in 1987, God must have been all too aware that there was now a window of several years where both a ‘Michael Ball’ and the song Something Inside so Strong existed simultaneously. He did nothing…..