An American fridge the colour of an old swan will stand solidly within the tiny waves of Weymouth Bay. Once it has been there for a couple of weeks it will disappear overnight.
Someone will write a letter to the Echo about it going - not out of concern - but as another opportunity to reference their disdain for the lasers.
Dear Dorset Evening Echo,
I notice there has been a great deal of discussion about the American fridge that appeared without explanation in Weymouth Bay, and its subsequent disappearance. For the record, I strongly take exception to certain people's insinuations that it was damaged or removed by paddlers. I can assure you as a paddler myself, we have no interest or capability of getting that far out, even in tennis shorts.
I cannot say that I am particularly bothered about its "removal", but I do at least give the fridge some credit for actually having physically existed, unlike certain multi-coloured lasers beams I could mention. Why the council continues to bombard a precious natural resource like the sea with what I consider, weapons, is beyond my comprehension.
Yours sincerely
Sebastian Binary
Name and address supplied.
Someone will write a letter to the Echo about it going - not out of concern - but as another opportunity to reference their disdain for the lasers.
Dear Dorset Evening Echo,
I notice there has been a great deal of discussion about the American fridge that appeared without explanation in Weymouth Bay, and its subsequent disappearance. For the record, I strongly take exception to certain people's insinuations that it was damaged or removed by paddlers. I can assure you as a paddler myself, we have no interest or capability of getting that far out, even in tennis shorts.
I cannot say that I am particularly bothered about its "removal", but I do at least give the fridge some credit for actually having physically existed, unlike certain multi-coloured lasers beams I could mention. Why the council continues to bombard a precious natural resource like the sea with what I consider, weapons, is beyond my comprehension.
Yours sincerely
Sebastian Binary
Name and address supplied.